BHC Food Pantry
According to Hunger on Campus, 50 percent of community college students and 47 percent of four-year college students reported food insecurity. Twenty-five percent and 20 percent (respectively) had very low food security.
We have partnered with River Bend Food Bank to provide perishable and non-perishable food to any BHC student.
Even if you feel you have enough to eat, sometimes redistributing financial resources can help. Feel free to visit either BHC food pantry and use the money you had reserved for food for a different need.
Quad-Cities Campus Food Pantry: Hawk’s Cupboard
Walk-up Location
**Building 3, near Campus Police and the south entrance; Room 320
**When a student-worker is present. Not available on days when fresh produce is being offered.
Fresh Produce & General Shopping Appointments
Available the first and third Tuesdays and Wednesdays of the month during the fall and spring semesters. A limit of three (3) students will be permitted to shop during a 15-minute period, reserved up to one week in advance. Only one shopping session per week will be bookable per student.
Self-booking is available through Microsoft Bookings. After you register for the first time, you’ll receive an email with a request to complete a household survey for reporting purposes only. After your first survey, completion is only required every 120 days.
Quad-Cities Campus Food Pantry: Hawk’s Cupboard
Walk-up Location
Building 3, near Campus Police and the south entrance; Room 320
Fresh Produce & General Shopping
Available the first and third Tuesdays and Wednesdays of the month during the fall and spring semesters when a student-worker is present.
East Campus Food Pantry: The Kitchen
Walk-up Location
Building 1 (next to BHC’s EC Police Department)
Drive-up Events
Available the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month during the fall and spring semesters. Please pre-register so we know how many bags to pack. Pull up outside Building 1 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and we’ll put bags of food in your trunk or back seat.
Starting Aug. 1, registration is available a week before each date until noon the Tuesday before. Select a date from the form listed below.
Community Education Center Food Pantry in Kewanee
Prior sign up for food pantry items at CEC is not required. Please visit the pantry in person or contact:
Valerie Painter
Make a Donation to the Food Pantry
Food and hygiene items can be dropped off at either campus’ pantry at any time. You can also make a cash donation online.
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About Us
Counseling Department
Wendy Bock
Director of Counseling
Quad-Cities Campus
Building 1, Room 377
(above the Advising Center)
East Campus
Building A, Advising Center